Ghost Spook Phantom Evolution Pack Cute series
Meshtint Studio

Contents: FBX, PNG and Unity package
Supported Unity versions: 2018.4.9 or higher
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Ghost Spook Phantom Evolution Pack Cute series
Price down! Original price is 24..97 USD. Buy them together at a discounted price!
This pack contains 3 creatures. Ghost, Spook, Phantom. We have packed these 3 creatures together in this pack because they are the same monster type but in a different evolution stage. Use this pack to show progression for your characters in your game! See below for more information.
Cute Series Ghost
This pack contains 1 x 'Evolution 1' creature: Ghost. Texture size is 2048 x 2048 and file format is in PNG. It is using 1 texture for diffuse map and emission map. Low poly. Polycount: 480 triangles. Rigged and animated. Generic mecanim rig set up. Total 12 animations.
- Spawn
- Idle
- Fly forward in place
- Fly forward with root motion
- Dash forward in place
- Dash forward with root motion
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Attack
- Fly and spin
- Take damage
- Die
Cute Series Spook
This pack contains 1 x 'Evolution 2' creature: Spook. Texture size is 2048 x 2048 ( set to 256 in Unity) and file format is in PSD. It is using 1 diffuse texture map and 1 emission map. Low poly. Polycount: 1176 triangles. Rigged and animated. Generic mecanim rig set up. Total 12 animations.
- Spawn
- Idle
- Fly forward in place
- Fly forward with root motion
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Slash Right attack
- Slash Left attack
- Projectile attack
- Cast spell
- Take damage
- Die
Cute Series Phantom
This pack contains 1 x 'Evolution 3' creature: Phantom. Texture size is 2048 x 2048 ( set to 512 in Unity) and file format is in PSD. It is using 1 diffuse texture map and 1 emission map. Low poly. Polycount: 2150 triangles. Rigged and animated. Generic mecanim rig set up. Total 12 animations.
- Spawn
- Idle
- Fly forward in place
- Fly forward with root motion
- Turn left
- Turn right
- Slash Right attack
- Slash Left attack
- Projectile attack
- Cast spell
- Take damage
- Die
Post Processing Stack v2