Hi there! In this tutorial, we are going to share the steps to add root motion to Pea Shooter that is generic mecanim set up in Unity. You can purchase Pea Shooter here
It's easy to add root motion to Humanoid Mecanim characters. But how do we do it for generic mecanim characters?
Let's get started!
1) Drag Pea Shooter prefab to an empty scene. Set the prefab to Apply root motion in the inspector.
2) Go to the FBX folder and look for the main FBX file where all the animation files are copying its avartar from. In our case, it will be the Pea Shooter file in FBX folder. Select the Pea Shooter file and choose RigPelvis as Root node in the inspector. With this selected, the prefab will take this bone as reference node for all animations.
3) After you have set the root node, it will affect all animations that are referring to Pea Shooter Avartar. If you hit play now, you will notice Pea Shooter will be facing at the wrong direction instead of front. This is because the animations are using the pelvis bone RigPelvis as rotation reference. To fix this, you will need to change the Root Transform Rotation in the inspector for all animations from Root Node Rotation to Original or vice versus depending on your gameplay. That's it! Done. Hope you enjoy this tutorial :)
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